Descriere Film Regia/Directed: Wing Kin Yip Gen/Genre: Action/Actiune, Comedy/Comedie Durata/Runtime 92 min. Descriere/Description: RO
Istoria despre cultura traditionala chinezeasca este lunga si vasta.
Bucataria chinezeasca este la fel de colorata ca si gustoasa. Sa nu mai
mentionam Kung Fu-ul Chinezesc, unde sunt sute de stilui si
reprelucrate in toata lumea. Wong Bing Yee este conducatorul satului si
maestrul bucatar, pana cand un banchet se termina oribil de urat. In
cautarea fratelui maestrului el gaseste un loc de care avea nevoie, si
porneste sa faca Four Seas un restaurant de succes. Dar greselile
trecutului il aduc pe Yee, proprietarii restaurantului si talentatul
uncenic in pericol si Yee trebuie sa reduca la ce este esential
lucrurile care sunt cele mai importante.
History of traditional Chinese culture is lengthy and vast. Chinese
cuisine is just as colorful and flavorful. Not to mention Chinese kung
fu where there are hundreds of styles and worldwide renowned. Wong Bing
Yee is village head and master chef, until a banquet goes horribly
wrong. In search of his brother’s master, he finds a place he is
needed, and sets about making Four Seas a successful restaurant. But
past wrongs bring Yee, the restuarant owners and his talented
apprentice into danger and Yee must reduce to basics the things that
are most important.